
Intro Issue
Wellness allows you to stay on a well-rounded path and move toward a life that’s filled with a higher level of life satisfaction Because wellness shapes many aspects of your life, it is deserving of our attention. For instance, physical wellness allows you to perform daily tasks such as house chores, work duties, or leisure...
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Emotional Wellness is described as the acceptance, awareness, and management of a wide variety of emotions about yourself and those around you.[6] Physical Wellness is the act of listening to and taking care of your body for optimal health and functioning.[6] Occupational Wellness helps you recognize the importance of work satisfaction and enrichment. It enables...
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MyJourney is an upcoming section in this magazine devoted to educating and guiding you towards a well-balanced life Understanding health and wellness will let you make a plan that helps give shape to your life and journey to health and wellness. Wellness is a common term but one that’s often misunderstood. Although many people use...
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Disease and symptom management may become easier with the help of a mobile health (mHealth) application that uses your mobile phone. These apps are designed to receive data about your health status and then provide this data, often in graph format, to your physician or other healthcare provider. This gives your provider more data to...
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Your health coach will educate, engage, and encourage you on your journey to health while also monitoring how you cope with problems such as: Emotional Issues Financial Stress Work Demands Your health coach’s primary responsibility is to be your partner, guiding you to better health by collaborating with you during one-on-one sessions in a way...
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Starting an exercise routine might be daunting, particularly if you already have a heart condition Physical activity can have a significant impact on your heart’s health, giving you the ability to better tolerate exertion in all areas of life which will lead to more enjoyment and satisfaction. But why and how? To find out the...
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With heart failure (HF), understanding what you eat is essential to accomplishing your goals. You can get advice on heart-healthy foods from your doctor, but a dietitian is another excellent resource for this information. A dietitian may be able to spend more time with you than a physician who can be time constrained by appointment...
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Let’s look at how your dietitian can help you reach your goals. Before making any dietary changes, your dietitian may follow a process similar to the following. Conduct an initial consultation The initial consultation with a dietitian can take anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour and may be completed online or in person. During...
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A dietitian is an excellent resource for nutritional guidance, information, and support Heart failure (HF) is a chronic condition that requires specific nutritional needs.[3] Changing eating habits is often necessary for the optimal management of HF and a dietitian is an excellent resource for nutritional guidance, information, and support for making those changes. Before your...
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Using your resources will allow you to meet meaningful goals, such as spending more time with family or returning to your favorite activities Heart failure (HF) can have severe consequences if left untreated or not properly addressed. Your body undergoes significant changes resulting from heart failure which can make the smallest of chores or activities...
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Information about our articles:

Our articles are designed to give you a starting point on your journey to health and wellness. A bit of inspiration, perhaps? A point in the right direction, maybe?

Let us be your launching pad as you start your journey towards better health and a wellness lifestyle! And if you need a guiding hand, we’re here for you. Go to our home page, complete the contact form at the bottom, and we’ll reach out to schedule a discovery session.

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Here’s a selection of articles:

How Will Your Dietitian Help in Achieving These Goals?
August 10, 2023
What Is Wellness
August 30, 2023
Helpful Mobile Health Apps for Heart Health
August 27, 2023